Awakened Mindfulness Coaching is a dynamic partnership between client and coach that is based in heart centered listening skills and inquiry.  The skills of mindfulness and meditation are shared and practiced, as they are an inner technology that begin the process of neutralizing the obstacles to change. Current brain research proves that we can heal from old trauma and make new responses to deep fears thereby gaining new freedom and vitality. Through the coaching partnership one aligns with their deepest values to manifest the changes he or she desires in alignment with their soul's purpose.


These Awakened Coaching skills are implemented in one on one coaching sessions and through the weekly mindfulness classes and retreats.

Weekly Mindfulness class schedule are located at Living in Ease 3119 Coral Way Miami, FL 33145.  Weekly classes are on hold at this time.

Tuesday 8:30-9:30am     Thursdays  6:00-7:00pm 

The Health Benefits of Mindfulness Coaching:

Improvements in patients with cancer and other diseasesa study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology finds that mindfulness is "superior for improving stress levels, quality of life, and social support for distressed survivors of breast cancer."

Promotes cardiovascular health – a study by the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine finds that mindfulness improved scores on four of the seven indicators of cardiovascular health;

Acts as an anti-depressant the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Ontario discovers that mindfulness is as effective as medication in treating depression;

Boosts the immune systemresearch conducted by the US National Institutes of Health finds that a short program in mindfulness meditation produces demonstrable positive effects on brain and immune function;

Changes the brainthe scientific journal Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging suggests that daily, 30-minute mindfulness meditation over an 8-week time can increase the density of gray matter in parts of the brain connected to memory, stress, and empathy;

Improves cognition – Scientist at the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Wake Forest University School of Medicine find that "mindfulness training significantly improved visuo-spatial processing, working memory, and executive functioning;"

Creates overall sense of well-being a Duke University study finds that mindfulness reduces negativity and stress, while increasing positive emotions.